Anniversary Planning Library
Case Studies Presented by Milestone Masters

Meg Laurerman
Co-Chair, 150 Anniversary
University of Nebraska
Big Anniversary Yields Big Results!

Kelly Kish
Chief of Staff, Bicentennial Dir.
Indiana University
Leveraging Your History:
The Indiana University Bicentennial

Joseph Harrison
Global Brand, Alignment
and Ops Leader Deloitte 175th Anniversary
Deloitte 175: Making An Impact That Matters Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow.

Joan Malcheski
Director, Brand and Marketing
Green Bay Packers 100th Anniversary
Green Bay Packers Gamechanger: “You Only Turn 100 Once”

Erin Robinson-Lis
Vice President | Internal Communications
Ameriprise Financial 125th Anniversary
Celebrate Your History!

Ted Ryan
Dir., Heritage Comm
100th Anniversary of iconic bottle
125th Anniversary of Coca-Cola
The Strategic Value of the Corporate Anniversary
Kevin Bishop
VP Global Brand
IBM Centennial
THINK – 100 years of Making the World Work Better
Robin C. Rotenberg
Chief Comm. Officer
BASF 150th Anniversary
Contributing to a Sustainable Future for 150 Years and Beyond
David French
SVP Marketing
National Park Foundation Centennial
Leveraging a Moment to Ignite a Movement: The National Park Service Centennial
Jonathan Woodier
VP Global Brand
Citi 200th Anniversary
Three Essential Anniversary Planning Building Blocks Essential for Sustainable Success
Michael Merk
VP Communications
Steelcase 100th Anniversary
To Make Sure Your Anniversary Has a Sustainable Impact, Start With The Question WHY
Heather Malenshek
Chief Marketing Officer
Harley-Davidson 115th Anniversary
Finding the Authentic Purpose of Your Anniversary
Karen Kozak
VP Global Brand
Cargill 150th Anniversary
Engaging Stakeholders through Effective Storytelling
Carmen Ferrigno
VP Communications
Saint-Gobain 350th Anniversary
From Sun King to Space Exploration: Celebrating 350 years with Saint-Gobain.
Kathryn Nason
Digital Content & Production Mgr.
Intel 50th Anniversary
Intel’s 50th Anniversary Celebration: Engaging Employees for the Next 50.

Daniel J. Hasler
EVP Comms.
Purdue Univ. 150th Anniversary
The Rosetta Stone for an Anniversary Campaign is the Organizations’ Brand Strategy.

Debra Erickson
Marketing Director
San Diego Zoo Centennial
It Began With a Roar: San Diego Zoo’s Centennial Celebration.

Shannon LaPierre
Chief Communications Officer
Stanley Black & Decker
175th Anniversary
Stanley Black & Decker: Celebrating 175 Years of Building and Making the World.
Kari Evans
Ex. Dir. Bicentennial
University of Virginia Bicentennial
Planning for UVA’s Bicentennial: How to Commemorate the Past and Envision the Future Without Missing a Step.
View Presentation Download Slides
Lisa Alonge
Anniversary University®
Making Milestones Matter.
Mary Beth Pate
Exec. Dir., Marketing &
Philanthropy Comms
Cleveland Clinic 100th Anniversary
A COVID Centennial: A Pandemic Success Story.
Ted Ryan
Heritage Brand Mgr. and Archivist
Ford Motor Company
100th Anniversary
Lincoln: Celebrating 100-years of American Luxury.
Mark Rushing
Assoc, Vice Chancellor, University Relations
University of Arkansas
150th Anniversary
Key Takeaways: What You Need to Know to Survive and Thrive Through a Sesquicentennial .
Anniversary Guiding Principles
Panel Discussion
Kevin Bishop, led IBM Centennial
Emily Gonce
New York Life 175th Anniversary
Melissa Gray
Avnet 100th Anniversary
Dir., Corp. Affairs Lakehouse Comms,
125th Anniversary
Beyond 125: Celebrating Our Legacy, and Our Path Forward.
SVP, Mktg & Comms,
200th Anniversary
Crum & Forster
Crum & Foster’s 200th Anniversary: Where Legacy and Innovation Meet.
Director of Centennial Coordination
Texas Tech University
Eyes on the Horizon: Texas Tech’s Centennial Celebration.
Sean Findlen
AVP Enterprise Communications
175th Anniversary
Unum Group
Unum Group’s 175th Transforming Milestones into Momentum
Peter Coffey
AVP, Community & Government Relations
125th Anniversary
DePaul University
Celebrating 125 Years: How DePaul University Strengthened Its Chicago Legacy Amidst Adversity
Peter Jung
Chief Marketing Officer
75th Anniversary
NASCAR Turns Another Corner at 75
Chief Branding & Communications Officer
75th Anniversary
Golden State Foods
An Unforgettable Anniversary Campaign that Indulged all Stakeholders.
Ex. Dir. of Development,
100th Anniversary
Murray State University
How Murray State Racers Stayed on Track to Deliver a Winning Centennial.